XUE Xi-ming, LI Yao |
College of History and CultureCollege of Tourism, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China |
Abstract In the contemporary world, globalization has accelerated the shift from structured societies to ones characterized by fluidity. This transformation has given rise to extensive discussions around various issues, including the identity and spatial perception of individuals as agents of mobility, the reconstruction of places due to the movement of humans and objects, and the evolving meanings of fluid spaces. A focal point of contemporary research within this paradigm pertains to inns as moorings within the mobility system. They are becoming critical in studying the intricate and ever-changing dynamics of mobility and spatial relationships. This paper employs grounded theory as a method to conduct an empirical analysis of the spatial construction and significance of inns situated in Xinduqiao Town along the Sichuan-Tibet tourism route, from the perspective of innkeepers. The study reveals that the spatial configuration of Xinduqiao inns is firmly entrenched in various environments—physical, operational, cultural, social, and living. Concurrently, these spaces were actively shaped through various forms of mobility, encompassing material, social relationships, and emotional flows. Innkeepers adeptly utilize localization and mobility strategies to portray these establishments as spaces imbued with significant subjective meaning. The inns integrate standardized designs and services with localized symbols and thematic elements from beyond the region, resulting in a surreal, assembling, and trans-local composite of material space.Moreover, Innkeepers interlink through complex social networks, endowing the inns with characteristics of extensibility and lack of boundaries, thus presenting them as open social spaces. Furthermore, through a strategic escaping from their original living environments, geographic imagination of Xinduqiao, and social identification fostered through interpersonal interactions, these operators transform their inns into spaces conducive to emotional healing.
Received: 28 November 2023
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